Treating HIV

HIV ribbonIt takes a little extra care to treat patients that have been diagnosed with HIV. It is a disease that causes people to go through a variety of different things, mentally, physically, and socially. This is because there are stigmas and discriminations for them in the world that we live on. Therefore, a doctor must be diligent in helping the patient cope with everything when treating HIV.

Lessen Misconceptions

treating HIVMost patients who are diagnosed with HIV have a lot of information that is floating in their mind that may not be accurate. A doctor should strive to assure the person that it is treatable and that they can still live a normal life. However, they should be aware that it is a sexually transmitted disease and that they can transfer it to others using not just sexual contact, but through IV drugs or other things. Knowledge is power and for someone who has been diagnosed with HIV, they need all the knowledge that you can provide as their doctor.

Patient Care

Doctor treating HIVBeyond treating the illness, doctors must also treat the patient and the issues that they may have with the changes that are happening in their life. The staff at the office should be aware that they will not catch HIV through casual contact and work to make the patient as comfortable as possible. If your patient is feeling a lot of anxiety or depression, you should attempt to make sure that there are counselors and peers available to help them through the issues that they are dealing with on a personal level. The patient should also be well informed about what could potentially cause them to pass it on to another person living in their home, such as bleeding, but express that they will not pass it on just by sharing a home with their loved ones.